
Full paper (5-8 pages)

In submitting a full paper to this workshop, the authors acknowledge that no paper substantially similar in content is under review at another conference or workshop before or during the review period. Submission and review process should follow the standard CVPR 2014 main conference submissions (e.g. double-blind review). Please refer to the following files on CVPR 2014 main conference site for detailed formatting instructions:

A complete paper should be submitted using the above templates, which are blind-submission review-formatted templates. The page limit is 6 pages, with the option of purchasing 2 pages. Please follow the paper submission web site at to submit your manuscript to the Regular Paper Track. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers from the program committee. The deadline for submitting extended abstracts is April 13, 2014.

Extended abstract (2 pages)

In addition to papers, we will also accept extended abstracts of ongoing or already published work. Authors may use this opportunity to present their work to the right audience. The maximum length of extended abstracts is 2 pages in CVPR format. Extended abstracts do not need to be anonymous (i.e., it is a single-blind reviewing). The deadline for submitting extended abstracts is May 11, 2014.