GLAIVE: Graphics-Based Learning Approach Integrated with Vision Elements (2014-2017) [project page]
Supported by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), via IARPA contract number 2014-14071600011.
In collaboation with the Information Science Institute (ISI).
IST DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries (2004-2007) [project page]
European Network of Excellence with more than 50 partners.
EU-India Economic Cross Cultural Programme: ``Culture Tech'', (2004-2005)
Bilateral project between Italy and India
IST MIND: Resource Selection and Data Fusion for Distributed Digiltal LIbraries (2001-2003) [project page]
Partners: University of Sheffield, UK; University of Dortmund, Germany, University of Dublin, UK; University of Pitthburg, USA
MIUR PRIN 2000 - SPADA GIS: Representation and Processing of Spatial Data in GIS (2001-2002) [project page]
Parteners: University of Genoa, Italy, University of l'Aquila, Italy, University of Verona, Italy