There has been substantial progress to date in developing computing devices and sensors that can be easily carried on the body. The last few years have been also marked by some notable achievements in learning from sensory data. This unique combination poses research challenges and opportunities for the next future of wearable computing.
We believe wearable computing will be a very prominent research field for the multimedia and other communities. As such, there is a compelling need for science and technology that enable devices, algorithms and humans to reciprocally interact to achieve humanistic intelligence. The range of real-world examples and applications of wearable is large and spans from web and social applications (e.g. egocentric search engines, recommendation systems and personalization), to medical robotics (e.g. assistive devices, bionic limbs and exoskeletons).
This workshop seeks to bring together experts in the fields of several communities, multimedia, computer vision, human-computer interaction, robotics, machine learning to share recent advances and explore the future research.
Some questions of interest for this workshop include: how can recent progress in artificial intelligence, sensors and computing devices allow humanistic intelligence to be deployed in current real world applications? How do we address the challenging problem of seamless, constant and lifelong interaction between wearables and the user? How can we improve the ability to social interaction and affective computing across a diverse set of users? What are the the full potential (and limitations) of the first-person paradigm.
We hope that this workshop will generate several results: a review of current sensors, computing devices, algorithms, methods and systems; A deep perspective on what is lacking; a selected list of the main challenges for deploying modern wearable system in the real world; A common space for researchers to discuss open problems and challenges, stimulate new research, propose and present new ideas, and plan future collaborations.
We have invited prominent speakers in this field. We will also leave time for a question and answer session to dig into topic including limits and potential of deep learning techniques in wearable computing. Their recent achievements in speech, text and images enable effective multi modal processing which may revolutionize wearable computing.
Possible paper topics include, but are not limited to:
- Egocentric search engines, recommendation systems and personalization
- Egocentric perception and computation
- Acquisition and visualization
- Object/event detection recognition and tracking
- Incremental and lifelong learning
- Summarization
- Social interaction and human behavior understanding
- Health
- Eye tracking and gaze estimation
- Focus of Attention modelling
- Human Computer Interaction
- Human and wearable devices interaction
- Affective computing with respect to wearable devices
- Interactive AR/VR
- Augmented human performance
- Adaptive user interfaces
- Haptic wearables
- Intelligent medical wearable robots (e.g. smart wheelchairs, prosthetics, exoskeletons)
- Wearable vision device for the visually impaired
- Mobile Computing, Ambient Intelligence and Ubiquitous Computing
- Power management, Heat dissipation, Software Architectures and Wireless
- Benchmarking and quantitative evaluation
- Wearable and embedded Deep Learning