Computer Vision


Advanced automated parking system.

TESEO. Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020. Development of an integrated, multi-sensing, high automation system for parking, traffic management and vehicle surveillance in wide areas.

TESEO. Progetto finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020. Sviluppo di un sistema integrato, multisensore e ad elevata automazione per la gestione del traffico, della sosta e della sorveglianza di veicoli in vaste aree.

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E-health communication systems for Instructing and Monitoring patients: creation of 3D animations from medical instructions and automatic patient activity assessment.

funded by: Regione Toscana PAR FAS 2007-2013

The correct execution of instructions to patients is crucial for the success of the health care and a crucial step of the therapeutic alliance.
Everyday language is not sufficient to this end: the more that activities must be precisely defined the more language complexity grows.
The solution proposed in this project is to develop an e-health module, interoperable with different platforms, which exploits the communicative potential of 3D animation, videos, and computer vision, in giving and monitoring instructions.

Project Deliverables

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People counting, tracking and identification system.

MAPPER. Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020. People counting, tracking and identification system for security and access control.

MAPPER. Operazione/Progetto finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020. Sistema di riconoscimento, conteggio e tracciamento di persone in edifici per la sicurezza e il controllo e degli accessi.

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COBRA – Crowd Behavior Analyzer

Crowd Behavior Analyzer

The aim of the project is to develop a multi-camera monitoring and profiling system for crowded environments, relying on demographics information and face re-identification approaches.

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