PhD Thesis Award In 2016 it goes to Tiberio Uricchio, MICC Researcher

Tiberio Uricchio

Tiberio Uricchio, Researcher at MICC, has won the PhD Thesis Award established by the Florence University Press from 2007 to reward excellence among doctoral theses in the University of Florence.

The award includes the publication in print and digital edition of five theses, one for each area of research (Biomedical, Social Sciences, Science, Technology, Humanities), and two further theses chosen by the Scientific Commission.

Filippo Mameli, Marco Bertini, Leonardo Galteri, Alberto Del Bimbo, Image and video restoration and compression artefact removal using a NoGAN approach

ACM MM 2020 Demo Paper

Image and video restoration and compression

Farewell ceremony for Prof. Alberto Del Bimbo

Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence: Challenges for the Next Decade

Investigating Nuisance Factors in Face Recognition with DCNN Representation

Best Paper Award

Best Paper Award to our paper on "Face Recognition"