Marie Curie Lamberto Ballan Fellow of the week

Lamberto Ballan has been recently selected Marie Curie Fellow of the week! He has been awarded a three-year fellowship between Stanford and U. of Florence in 2014. Marie Curie Individual Fellowships are highly prestigious and competitive and are meant to support the best European researchers.

Lamberto Ballan has been recently selected Marie Curie Fellow of the week! He has been awarded a three-year MCA fellowship between Stanford University and University of Florence (2014/9-2017/9), where he is leading the project “EAGLE – Exploiting semAntic and social knowledGe for visuaL rEcognition”. Marie Curie Individual Fellowships are highly prestigious and competitive and are meant to support the best European researchers.
More about the project here.
See also the post on Facebook.

Leonardo Galteri, Marco Bertini, Lorenzo Seidenari, Tiberio Uricchio, Alberto Del Bimbo, Increasing Video Perceptual Quality with GANs and Semantic Coding

ACM MM 2020 Paper

Increasing Video Perceptual Quality

MEMECH - New Media for Cultural Heritage

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