Lecture by R. Cucchiara Behaviour understanding in cars and around...

Rita Cucchiara

Human behavior understanding (HBU) is a central topic for many different disciplines, from sociology, psychology to, more recently computer science. In this latter framework, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition are a central disciplines; advancements in motion analysis and interpretation, graph-based pattern recognition and deep learning make computer vision research in HBU a true success story.

Venue: Thursday – February 23 – 2017, MICC – Aula Anfiteatro, 15.30

The talk will focus on HBU for automotive, a key application area nowadays, due to the fact that cameras are considered mandatory sensing components in cars to support assisted or automatic guidance, to improve the safety and comfort of drivers and passengers. In such a framework, HBU can be used to understand what pedestrians are doing outside the car, and the behavior of drivers within the car as well.

After an overview on classical multiple-target tracking methods, I will present our new research at Imagelab on persons interacting with other persons and persons interacting with car. These solutions are mostly based on 3D information, saliency analysis and video segmentation and ground on extensive use of deep networks technology. I will discuss deep architectures we propose for understanding person presence, person behaviour and person interaction.


Rita Cucchiara is Professor of Computer Architecture and Computer Vision at Engineering Department “Enzo Ferrari” of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, head of the Imagelab research lab at UNIMORE and Director of the Inter-departmental Centre of Research in ICT for Enterprise Softech-ICT, cofunded by UNIMORE and Regione Emilia Romagna under EU FESR programs.

She is working on computer vision, multimedia pattern recognition, machine learning and intelligent sensing. Her research projects have addressed multiple person tracking, 2D and 3D reconstruction of cultural heritage building for egocentric vision and video annotation and captioning. Recent research activities are GPU based Deep Learning in video understanding, human behavior analysis for surveillance and automotive, jointly with top international companies, such as Panasonic, RAI and Ferrari.

In 2016 she has been awarded by the Facebook Artificial intelligence Research grant and the Cineca Italian SuperComputing Resource Allocation grant.

Rita Cucchiara is the President of GIRPR the Italian Association of Pattern Recognition, affiliated with IAPR and Member of the Advisory Board of Computer Vision Foundation. She also is Deputy-President of GII, the Italian Group of Computer Engineering Professors, with mandate for scientific research. Recently she has been nominated Member of the Advisory of the Research Council of Italian institute of Technology. She is author or more than 300 publications, with a H-index 40 and more than 9000 citations (Google scholar jan 2017). She is IAPR fellow.

In 2017 she will serve as a Program Chair of ICCV2017, Area Chair of ACMMM17 and NIPS. She will be the General Chair of ICPR 2020.

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