Best Demo Award ACM Multimedia 2019 ACMMM 2019

Best Demo Award, Nice ACM Multimedia 21 – 25 October 2019, Nice, France

MICC Demo on improving video quality in real time on mobile devices using GANs received the best demo award, ACM Multimedia 2109

ACM Multimedia is the premier international conference in the area of multimedia within the field of computer science. Multimedia research focuses on integration of the multiple perspectives offered by different digital modalities including images, text, video, music, sensor data, spoken audio. Since 1993, ACM Multimedia has been bringing together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to present innovative research results and discuss recent advancements. A special part of the conference is the art program, which explores the boundaries of computer science and art.

Marco Bertini

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Filippo Mameli, Marco Bertini, Leonardo Galteri, Alberto Del Bimbo, Image and video restoration and compression artefact removal using a NoGAN approach

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