Alberto Del Bimbo – Professor Emeritus University of Florence

Alberto Del Bimbo

Professor Alberto Del Bimbo has received the title of Professor Emeritus at the University of Florence, Department of Information Engineering (DINFO).

The Academic Senate of the University of Florence has awarded Prof. Del Bimbo, co-founder and past director of the MICC – Media Integration and Communication Center, the title of Professor Emeritus.

Prof. Del Bimbo will continue his research activity within MICC.

Wolmer Bigi, Claudio Baecchi, Alberto Del Bimbo, Automatic Interest Recognition from Posture and Behaviour

ACM MM 2020 Paper

Interest Recognition from Posture and Behaviour

Best Poster ACM ICMR 2020

Image Retrieval Using Multi-Scale CNN Feature Pooling

Human Behavior Understanding

by Prof. Mohamed Daoudi

Lecture by X. A. Pineda

Methods for Human Behavior Understanding