AI DIVE 2018 Conference Alberto Del Bimbo speaker on AI

Alberto Del Bimbo at AI DIVE 2018

Alberto Del Bimbo, director of the MICC will speak at AI DIVE 2018 on February 27th, 2018 in Milano Politecnico di Milano Bovisa – Aula Magna Carassa

Alberto Del Bimbo, director of the MICC will speak at AI DIVE 2018, the event in which members of the scientific and academic community, solution developers and technology leaders present the state of the art of AI and trace a path for corporate adoption of AI solutions.

It will be analyzed, with practical examples, how the AI ​​is changing the competitive and organizational scenarios at an impressive rate, speeding up processes, increasing productivity and reducing margins of error. The aim of the event is to show scenarios and technologies supporting the digital transformation processes and that can provide valuable opportunities for their adoption. AI will be a disruptive phenomenon in any sector.

The event is organized by E4 Computer Engineering, together with NVIDIA, Politecnico di Milano, in collaboration with IBM and is dedicated to CEO, CIO, CTO, Head of Data Science, Marketing Director, Sales Director, Manager and Decision Maker of all sectors.
The sessions will be moderated by Maurizio Melis, radio host (he conducts the daily broadcast “Smart City, Voices and Places of Innovation” on Radio 24 – Il sole 24 Ore) and popularizer of science and technology.

Marie Curie

Lamberto Ballan Fellow of the week

Marco Bertini

New MICC Director

Marco Bertini is the new MICC Director