The ICPR 2020 Workshop Chairs invite proposals for the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. The workshops can be half-day or full-day and will be held on 13 and 18 September 2020, immediately before and after the main conference. The workshops will take place at the same venue as the main conference.

We seek for Workshops on timely topics and applications of Computer Vision, Image and Sound Analysis, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. They are expected to provide a forum for active exchange of ideas and experiences. Members from all segments of the ICPR community are invited to submit workshop proposals for review. Each proposal will be assessed for its scientific content, proposed structure and overall relevance. Workshop organizers will be responsible for inviting speakers and ensuring their participation, submission and review of papers, and structuring leading discussion sessions.

Workshop papers will be included in the ICPR 2020 proceedings.

Guideline for submitting proposals

The workshop proposal should be submitted via the official IAPR webform by January 25th, 2020 (11:59PM Pacific Time). You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt by email within a few working days.

The proposals should include the following information:

  • The title of the Workshop.
  • The topics covered by the workshop, with a description which specify the goals and the technical issues that the workshop aims to address.
  • A brief discussion of why and the workshop is relevant and of interest for the community.
  • A description of how the proposal relates to previous workshops at main conferences in the field.
  • The names, affiliations and email addresses of the workshop organizers.
  • Why the proposers are well suited for organizing the workshop (including past experiences).
  • Invited Speakers Names and Tentative Talks Title. For each speaker, please indicate if attendance is tentative or confirmed.
  • Preference for half-day or full-day workshop.
  • Estimated numbers of orals and posters.
  • Tentative program outline.
  • Expected number of paper submissions.
  • Program committee list. For each committee member, please indicate if the inclusion in the list is tentative or confirmed.
  • Expected number of attendees.
  • Advertisement planned
  • Special space or equipment requests, if any.
  • In case the workshop plan to run a competition, please include details.
  • Workshop paper submission deadline.
  • Notification to authors.
  • Camera ready deadline.

Proposal assessment

Each proposal will be assessed based on its scientific merit, proposed structure, overall relevance, and how it complements the main conference.

Notification of acceptance will be given on February 15th, 2020.

ICPR 2020 will be responsible for:

  • Providing a meeting venue with necessary technical equipment and catering services during the coffee breaks.
  • Providing staff to help with the on-site organization.
  • Advertising the event on the ICPR web site.
  • Scheduling the event together with the organizers and including it in the conference program.

Organizers are responsible for:

  • Publishing a webpage with information about the event and its program.
  • Preparing and sending out a call for papers/contributions, as appropriate.
  • Reviewing and selecting submitted papers, if applicable.
  • Compiling and distributing notes to the participants.
  • Inviting speakers and ensuring their participation, if applicable.
  • Obtaining funding or sponsorship for any additional cost that may arise, e.g., for prizes or awards.
  • Leading the event at ICPR2020

For a coordinated management of your workshop with the ICPR2020 organization, the following deadlines are expected:

  • Paper submission: October 10th, 2020
  • Notification to authors: November 10th, 2020
  • Camera-ready submission: November 15th, 2020
  • Finalized workshop program: December 1st, 2020

For any questions, please contact the workshop chairs, Giovanni Maria Farinella (gfarinella [@] and Tao Mei (tmei [@]

Covering the costs of the workshop

The amount of registration fee will be set by ICPR 2020 and will be the same for all workshops.

ICPR 2020 reserves the right to cancel any workshop if there are too few registrations for the workshop by the early registration deadline to cover the costs of hosting the workshop from the above-mentioned revenue of ICPR 2020.

Workshop sponsorship

If necessary, workshop organizers should obtain a sponsorship for the workshop from IAPR Conferences and Meetings Committee ( Otherwise, the workshop will not be sponsored by IAPR, and therefore the name and logo of IAPR cannot be used for the workshop.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for workshop proposal:  January 25th, 2020 (11:59PM GMT).
  • Notification of Acceptance:   February 15th, 2020


ICPR 2020 Workshop Co-Chairs,

  • Prof. Giovanni Maria Farinella (gfarinella [@]
  • Dr. Tao Mei (tmei [@]