The ICPR 2020 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials in conjunction with the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. These events will be held on January 10-11, 2021 immediately before the main conference.
We seek tutorials on core techniques, application areas and emerging research topics that are of interest within the ICPR community. A good tutorial should provide a broad introduction to the chosen research area as well as in-depth coverage on selected advanced topics. Proposals that focus exclusively on the presenters’ own work or commercial presentations are not eligible.
Guidelines for submitting proposals
To propose a tutorial a PDF file containing the information outlined below must be sent to the ICPR 2020 Tutorial Co-chairs (see at the end) by September 15, 2020 [11:59 p.m. Central European Std Time]
The proposal should contain the following:
- proposed title;
- names, titles, affiliations, emails, and brief bio sketches of the point of contact for the tutorial;
- names, titles, affiliations, emails, and brief bio sketches of person delivering the tutorial;
- preference for half- or full-day event (the latter requires a brief justification);
- course description with list of topics to be covered, along with a brief outline and important details; any innovative pedagogy employed; any hands-on participation, etc.;
- expected target audience, in terms of both composition and estimated number of attendees;
- list of citations and/or URLs to relevant publications and/or products by the organizers, and to other relevant related work;
- a description of how this proposal relates to tutorials/short courses appearing at ICPR (and also other major related conferences) within the last two edition;
- description of and/or links to any planned materials or resources to be distributed to attendees.
Proposal assessment
Each proposal will be assessed based on its scientific merit, proposed structure, overall
relevance, and how it complements the main conference.
Notification of acceptance will be given on September 30, 2020 October 30, 2020
ICPR 2020 will be responsible for:
- providing a meeting venue with necessary technical equipment and catering services
during the coffee breaks; - providing staff to help with the on-site organization;
- advertising the event on the ICPR web site;
- scheduling the event together with the organizers and including it in the conference program.
Tutorialists are responsible for:
- compiling and distributing notes to the participants;
- leading the event at ICPR2020.
Costs and terms
Tutorials are free for all participants with full ICPR2020 registration. Participation to tutorials is limited to the room capacity. ICPR2020 participants who want to attend a tutorial should register to it and will be admitted on on first come first served basis.
Tutorialists will have right to free registration to ICPR2020 and contribution to travel expenses to be decided based on the workshop attendance.
ICPR 2020 reserves the right to cancel a tutorial if the responsibilities are not fulfilled by the proponent, or if too few attendees register for the event.
ICPR 2020 Tutorial co-chairs:
Prof. Sudeep Sarkar. (sarkar AT
University of South Florida, Tampa, USA
Prof. Vittorio Murino (Vittorio.Murino AT
Ireland Research Center, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Ireland
University of Verona and Italian Institute of Technology, Italy