The founders of one of the last successful innovative projects funded on the Kickstarter platform has chosen our center MICC as one of the beta testers for the board UDOO which will begin to be distributed in September.
Maurizio Caporali, CEO di Aidilab showed us the potential of UDOO at our center on Friday, July 19 delivering to us a beta version board.
UDOO is a multi development platform solution for Android, Linux, Arduino™ and Google ADK 2012. The board is designed to provide a powerful prototyping board for software development and design in order to explore the new frontiers of the Internet of Things. UDOO allows you to switch simply between Linux and Android by replacing the Micro SD card and rebooting the system.
UDOO is a joint effort of SECO USA Inc. ( ) and Aidilab (, in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team of researchers with expertise in interaction design, embedded electronics. We interviewed UDOO to learn more about their project.