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Vehicles that Learn by Observing How We Drive: Multidisciplinary Explorations in Human-Centered Driver Assistance

Understanding driver behavior and ethnography surrounding the task of driving are essential in the development of human-centric driver assistance systems.

Laboratory for Intelligent and Safe Automobiles University of California at San Diego

Laboratory for Intelligent and Safe Automobiles University of California at San Diego

Novel instrumented vehicles are used for conducting experiments, where the rich contextual information about vehicle dynamics, surround and driver state are captured for careful, detailed ethnographic studies, as well as realistic data for developing algorithms to analyze multi sensory signals for active safety.

In this presentation, Prof. Mohan M. Trivedi will provide a systems- oriented framework for developing multimodal sensing, inferencing algorithms and human-vehicle interfaces for safer automobiles.

He will consider three main components of the system, driver, vehicle, and vehicle surround. He will discuss various issues and ideas for developing models for these main components as well as activities associated with the complex task of safe driving.

The presentation will include discussion of novel sensory systems and learning algorithms for capturing not only the dynamic surround information of the vehicle but also the state, intent and activity patterns of drivers.

He will also introduce a new type of visual display called “dynamic active display”. These displays present visual information to the driver where driving view and safety-critical visual icons are presented to the driver in a manner that minimizes deviation of her gaze direction without adding to unnecessary visual clutter.

These contributions support the practical promise of the “human-centric active safety” (HCAS) systems in enhancing the safety, comfort, and convenience.

For videos and publication list visit LISA

Developmental Agents for Vision

In this talk, Marco Gori introduce the notion of developmental agents, that are based on the theory of “learning from constraints” (see e.g.

Perceptual and logic constraints

Perceptual and logic constraints

It is claimed that in most interesting tasks, learning from constraints naturally leads to “deep architectures”, that emerge when following the developmental principle of focusing attention on “easy constraints”, at each stage. Interestingly, this suggests that stage-based learning, as discussed in developmental psychology, might not be primarily the outcome of biology, but it could be instead the consequence of optimization principles and complexity issues that hold regardless of the “body”.

In the second part of the talk, he gives insights on the adoption of the proposed framework in computer vision. The proposed functional approach leads naturally to develop different notions of features, the lower level of which are somehow related to classical SIFT. It is pointed out that the adoption of information-theoretic principles are at the basis of the feature generation either at low or high level of the vision computer hierarchy. The functions that are developed are inherently independent of roto-translations and do acquire scale invariance by the minimization of an appropriate entropy-based measure, that is also at the basis of the focus of attention.

Finally, he gives an overview of different constraints emerging at different layers of the hierarchy, and claim that the overall system is expected to work in any visual environment by acting continuously, with no separation between learning and scene interpretation.

Magenta SRL and MICC demo at ICIAP 2011

Magenta SRL and MICC participated at the 16th edition of the International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP 2011) with a live demo of both off-line and on-camera traffic monitoring applications developed within the ORUSSI European Project.

MICC and Magenta SRL demo at ICIAP 2011

MICC and Magenta SRL demo at ICIAP 2011

ICIAP is organized every two years by the Italian group of researchers in pattern recognition (GIRPR), which is the Italian IAPR Member Society, with the aim to bring together researchers in image processing and pattern recognition from around the world. The 16th edition of the conference was organized by the University of Bologna, Ravenna site.

The main target of ICIAP 2011 was to provide a place in which the most recent approaches and goals in image analysis could be presented and discussed.

Main topics included:

  • Image analysis and processing
  • Pattern recognition and Vision
  • Machine Learning and Multimedia
  • Cultural Heritage and Applications

The demo by Magenta SRL and MICC presented an embedded solution for vehicle counting and speed estimation and off-site video analysis tools to detect anomalous behaviors and to perform semantic compression of videos. An on-camera application for extraction of FAST feature points was also shown.

EVA 2012 Florence – Electronic Imaging the Visual Arts

Eva 2012 in Piazza Santa Maria Novella

Eva 2012 in Piazza Santa Maria Novella. Image by Sailko

Main Topics:

  • 2D – 3D Digital Image Acquisition
  • Leading Edge Applications: Galleries, Libraries, Education, Archaeological Sites, Museums & Historical Tours
  • Mediterranean Initiatives in Technology for Cultural Heritage: synergy with European & International Programmes
  • Integrated Digital Archives for Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Art
  • Management of Museums by using ICT Technology: Access, Guides, Documentation & Other Services
  • The Impact of New Mobile Communications on Cultural Heritage and Modern Arts Area
  • Semantic Webs
  • Human – Computer Interaction for Cultural Heritage Applications
  • Copyright Protection (Watermarking & Electronic Commerce)
  • Culture and e-government
  • Activities and Programmes for e-learning
  • Application of Digital Terrestrial Television
  • 3D Developments and Applications in the Cultural Heritage Area
  • Cultural Tourism & Travel Applications
  • Art and Medicine

Who should attend:

  • the cultural sector
  • the government sector
  • media & related sectors
  • the ICT Industry, especially multimedia SME’s
  • tourism & travel sector
  • technology & visual arts research organizations


Offers of papers:

(6 pages draft or 1 page summary), Workshops & Demonstrations to the Chairman or Co-Chairman by 30 October 2011

Computer Recognition of Human Activities, Objects and their Interactions

Computer Vision has graduated from a research tool in early 1960s to a mature discipline today. The developments in cameras, computers and memory have contributed in part to this maturing of computer vision. Namely, there is an explosive growth in the number of cameras in public places, the speed of computers has increased significantly and the price of memory has spectacularly decreased. The word camera may be used in a very broad sense since the imaging modalities range from the usual cameras imaging a visual intensity image to thermal image and laser range image. In addition, several applications of computer vision technology are contributing to the solution of a diverse set of societal problems.

Human activities

Human activities

At The University of Texas at Austin, we are pursuing a number of projects on human activity understanding and face/emotion recognition. Professor Aggarwal will present his research on modeling and recognition of actions and interactions, and human and object interactions. The
object may be a piece of luggage, a car or an unmovable object like a fence. The applications considered include monitoring of: human activities in public places, identification of abandoned baggage and face and emotion recognition. The issues considered in these problems will illustrate the richness of ideas involved and the difficulties associated with understanding human activities. Application of the above research to monitoring and surveillance will be discussed together with actual examples and their solutions.

Reading of electronic health records through the electronic health card

Roberto Caldelli will present an application for digital terrestrial television, which allows a user, in possession of the electronic health card (CSE) of the Region of Tuscany, to consult with their Electronic Health Record (ESF) on TV at home. The identity of the user, owner of the CSE, is ensured through a process of client authentication, defined by the Tuscany Region, based on a protocol which provides for asymmetric encryption, HTTPS connection and X509 certificates.

Roberto Caldelli

Roberto Caldelli

The application allows to view personal health information in a simple and immediate manner, without the need to provide a smart-card reader and having to install special libraries.

This application is a sample implementation for the supply of value-added services through a strong authentication technique, which can be used in other application scenarios that need to provide, safely, personal information.

Metric approaches to shape analysis

Deformable objects are ubiquitous in the world surrounding us, on all levels from micro to macro. The need to study such shapes and model their behavior arises in a wide spectrum of applications, ranging from medicine to security. In recent years, non-rigid shapes have attracted a growing interest, which has led to rapid development of the field, where state-of-the-art results from very different sciences – theoretical and numerical geometry, optimization, linear algebra, graph theory, machine learning and computer graphics, to mention a few – are applied to find solutions.

Maximally stable regions detected on shapes and different transformations

Maximally stable regions detected on shapes and different transformations

The purpose of the tutorial is to overview some state-of- the-art methods in the field of shape analysis through a consistent and rigorous mathematical framework.

The first part of the tutorial will focus on metric geometry approaches to shape analysis. Modeling shapes as metric spaces provides a common denominator for many problems in shape analysis. We will consider two archetype problems of similarity and correspondence.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • metric model of similarity and correspondence
  • invariance and isometry
  • rigid isometry and iterative closest point methods
  • multidimensional scaling and canonical forms
  • fast marching
  • Gromov-Hausdorff distances
  • self-similarity, symmetry and structure
  • correspondence and calculus of shapes

The second part of the tutorial will focus on diffusion geometry, arising from the geometric formulation of heat diffusion processes on manifolds. Diffusion geometry provides ways to construct robust global structures (metrics) and local structures (feature descriptors) for shape analysis.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • diffusion and heat operator
  • Laplace-Beltrami operator
  • diffusion distances
  • scale invariance and commute time distance
  • spectral shape disances
  • spectral symmetry
  • heat kernel signatures
  • bags of words
  • volumetric diffusion

Analysis and development of a learning application for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to the Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) method

The thesis work presented is part of a larger project named Autistic Behavior & Computer-based Didactic & Software (ABCDSW).

The mission of the project is the definition of an educational methodology (according to the model Applied Behavior Analysis – ABA), and the development of open source software tools to enhance and improve, in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, the learning process for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) also through sharing of knowledge.

Fabio Ceccarelli

Fabio Ceccarelli

The need for unconventional learning programs for children with these syndromes coupled to the attraction that most of them have in the technology (mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices) has led to consider the use of computers as means to enhance learning. Starting from this idea, and using a multidisciplinary team, have been defined the main objectives to be achieved:

  • definition (and development) of a specific educational methodology to be effective and efficient for children with ASD;
  • creation of ad hoc educational software modules for children affected by autism, in the range of 2-6 years;
  • development of tools to monitor the level of learning of children during therapy with educators / parents.

Daniele Pezzatini will have a demo and an industrial exhibit session at ICME 2011

Daniele Pezzatini will present “A flexible system for multimedia management and publishing” (pdf) in the demo session and “A web system for ontology-based multimedia annotation, browsing and search” (pdf) in the Industrial Exhibit at the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2011) held in Barcelona, Spain from July 11 to 15, 2011.

ICME 2011, Barcelona

ICME 2011, Barcelona

Daniele, in the demo session, will demonstrate the IM3I ( platform, a system that provides a flexible approach for the management, annotation and publishing of collections of images and videos. The system is based on web services that allow automatic and manual annotation, retrieval, browsing and authoring of multimedia content.

At the industrial exhibit he will present a complete system for semantic and syntactic annotation, browsing and search of multimedia data, that is based on a service oriented architecture, with web-based interfaces developed following the Rich Internet Application paradigm.

Daniele Pezzatini will have a poster session at CBMi 2011

Daniele Pezzatini will present “Interactive Video Search and Browsing Systems” at the 9th International Conference on Content based Multimedia Indexing in Madrid on  Monday 13 June 2011.

Interactive Video Search and Browsing Systems: MediaPick

Interactive Video Search and Browsing Systems: MediaPick

Daniele will present two interactive systems for video search and browsing;  a rich internet application designed to obtain the levels of responsiveness and interactivity typical of a desk- top application, and a system that exploits multi-touch devices to implement a multi-user collaborative application. Both systems use the same ontology-based video search engine, that is capable of expanding user queries through ontology reasoning and let users to search for specific video segments that contain a semantic concept or to browse the content of video collections, when it’s too difficult to express a specific query.