Author Archives: admin

Nikrooz Hosseini

Nikrooz Hosseini was born in Karaj, Iran, on July 11, 1976, to an Iranian father and an Italian mother. He moved to Florence, Italy in March 1980. He graduated in 2007 from the University of Florence in Japanese language and literature with a translation of a text from 930 D.C. After working for a while as librarian at Gabinetto G. P. Vieusseux (Florence), he postgraduated from the Master in Informatica del testo ed Edizione elettronica in 2010.

Nikrooz Hosseini

Nikrooz Hosseini

He has been collaborating with MICC as web developer on Drupal platform for the FIRB project VIVIT which connects MICC and the Accademia della Crusca for the creation of a web portal aimed at second/third generation Italians living abroad, concerning several aspects of Italian history, language and culture.

Arjun Jain

Arjun Jain is a Computer Engineer from RVCE Bangalore, India. He then went on to work as a developer for Pi Corp. (now Mozi In.c) and Yahoo India R & D. He spent a year at the MICC Lab, Florence as a research assistant, working with Dr. Marco Bertini and Lamberto Ballan.

Arjun Jain

Arjun Jain

He is currently a PhD candidate at the computer graphics group at the MPI Informatik, Saarbrücken, advised by Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Thormählen and Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Seidel. He is interested in working on problems related to structure for motion and 3D vision.

Iacopo Masi

Iacopo Masi was born on September 6, 1983 in Florence. He received a Master’s Degree cum laude in computer Iacopo Masi was born on September 6, 1983 in Florence. He received a Master’s Degree cum laude in computer engineering from the University of Florence in 2009 with his thesis “Feature-based Localization and Mapping of Wide Areas with a PTZ Camera”.

Iacopo Masi

Iacopo Masi

He is currently a PhD Candidate at the Visual Information and Media Lab under the supervison of Prof. Alberto Del Bimbo, working with Federico Pernici, PhD and Andrew D. Bagdanov, PhD in the Media Integration and Communication Center, University of Florence.

His main research interests are focused on the application of pattern recognition and computer vision specifically in the field of video-surveillance with PTZ cameras, local pose estimation and 2D/3D face modeling.

Diego Mencarelli

Diego Mencarelli, new media consultant at Tirreno Unicoop and student of the first edition of the Master in Multimedia Content Design of the University of Florence in the academic year 1998/1999, where since some years co-teaches a course on Human-Computer Interaction, in particular the module on web accessibility and W3C standards. He is the designer and creator of the online version of Nuovo Consumo which is expanding in other directions (video and mail marketing in particular).

Diego Mencarelli

Diego Mencarelli

He also collaborates with companies to develop web sites at all levels, from simple to more complex. At the MICC has implemented together with Giuseppe Becchi the CMS for the management and publishing of the digital archive of Mediateca of Palazzo Medici Riccardi

Marco Meoni

Marco Meoni was born on June 23, 1984 in Florence. He received the master’s degree cum laude in computer engineering from the University of Florence in 2009 discussing a thesis on information visualization:  “Interactive visual representations of complex information structures”. He is currently a PhD student at Visual Information and Media Lab at Media Integration and Communication Center, University of Florence and an invited professor for “Web languages and programming” at the Master in Multimedia Content Design. His current research interests are mainly focused on Biomedical image analysis and processing, and multimedia semantic information retrieval.

Marco Meoni

Marco Meoni

Walter Nunziati

Walter Nunziati completed his Laurea Degree in Engineering in 2001, and his Phd in Computer Science in 2005, both at University of Florence, with a short period at Boston University. He’s been working as a post-doctorate in the group of Professor Alberto Del Bimbo, until December 2006.

He’s currently running Magenta, a small software engineering studio in Florence, while still remaining affiliated with the lab. His research interests are focused on multimedia and related fields, such as computer vision, computer graphics, pattern recognition, and machine learning.

Walter Nunziati

Walter Nunziati

Carlo Torniai

Carlo Torniai is an  Ontologist and a Research Scientist with a wide range of experience across several areas of Computer Science and Information Technology. Carlo is now affiliated with Oregon Health & Science University – Portland, OR. He worked at Media Integration and Communication Center from Jan. 2002 to Aug. 2007 as Researcher and Project manager.

Carlo Torniai

Carlo Torniai

He was responsible for several technology transfer projects and principal investigator for the research related to Semantic Web Technologies and Multimedia. He introduced the novel idea of OWL ontologies enriched with visual concepts, proposed algorithms for multimedia annotation based on enriched ontologies, and developed a set of software tools and visual interfaces for the semantic retrieval of videos. He also lead the development and deployment of Web applications for Public Administration (E-government solutions based on interoperability and ERP deployment project analysis).

His main topics of expertise are Semantic Web Technologies (Ontology development, Data Integration, Enterprise Semantic Web Applications) applied in several fields (biomedical resources, e-learning, multimedia) and Web 2.0 (Social media, Social Networks, folksonomy/ontology interaction).

Nicola Torpei

Consultant, researcher and software architect/developer. He was born in Florence, Italy, the 11th of October 1979 and he’s working at MICC on topics of natural interaction, computer vision and auditory interfaces. He got a degree in computer science at University of Florence. He’s in the technical staff and co-teacher in Audio Editing at Master in Multimedia Content Design, University of Florence.

Nicola Torpei

Nicola Torpei

Giuseppe Serra

Giuseppe Serra is a Ph.D student at the Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica at the University of Florence. He was a visiting student at Advanced Multimedia Processing Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University, USA in 2005 where he worked on his thesis “Self-calibration of two camera by observation of a moving person on a ground plane”. He graduated in computer engineering at University of Florence in 2006. His research interests focus on multiple view geometry, in particular self calibration and 3D reconstruction, and video understanding based on statistical pattern recognition and ontologies.

Giuseppe Serra

Giuseppe Serra

Visual recognition in the three-dimensional world

The ability to interpret the semantics of objects and actions, their individual geometric attributes as well as their spatial and temporal relationships within the environment is essential for an intelligent visual system and extremely valuable in numerous applications. In visual recognition, the problem of categorizing generic objects is a highly challenging one. Single objects vary in appearances and shapes under various photometric (e.g. illumination) and geometric (e.g. scale, view point, occlusion, etc.) transformations. Largely due to the difficulty of this problem, most of the current research in object categorization has focused on modeling object classes in single (or nearly single) views. But our world is fundamentally 3D and it is crucial that we design models and algorithms that can handle such appearance and pose variability.

Ing. Silvio Savarese: Visual recognition in the three dimensional world

Ing. Silvio Savarese: Visual recognition in the three dimensional world

In this talk I will introduce a novel framework for learning and recognizing 3D object categories and their poses. Our approach is to capture a compact model of an object category by linking together diagnostic parts of the objects from different viewing points. The resulting model is a summarization of both the appearance and geometry information of the object class. Unlike earlier attempts for 3D object categorization, our framework requires minimal supervision and has the ability to synthesize unseen views of an object category. Our results on categorization show superior performances to state-of-the-art algorithms on the largest dataset up to date. I will conclude the talk with final remarks on the relevance of the proposed research for a number of applications in mobile vision.