
I am a Ph.D. student at the University of Florence, working in the Visual Information and Media Lab at the Media Integration and Communication Center (MICC) under the supervision of Prof. Alberto Del Bimbo.
I received a BSc degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Florence in 2009 with a thesis on semantic video annotation. In 2012, I received a MSc degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Florence with a thesis titled “Learning to tag images” (“Apprendimento automatico per tagging di immagini su base semantica e sociale”) under the supervision of Prof. Alberto Del Bimbo and Prof. Paolo Frasconi.
I’m currently a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Alberto Del Bimbo, Ing. Marco Bertini PhD and Ing. Lamberto Ballan PhD. focusing on image and video automatic annotation by exploiting social media.
My research interests are in the fields of image understanding, machine learning and pattern recognition.
- 18/03/2014 - Our paper “Data-Driven Approaches for Social Image and Video Tagging” has been accepted for publication in Multimedia Tools And Applications.
- 21/01/2014 - Our paper “A Cross-media Model for Automatic Image Annotation” has been accepted as oral at ICMR2014!
- 05/12/2013 - Our project on Evaluating methods for tag refinement moved here.
Recent publications:¶
- Ballan*, T. Uricchio*, L. Seidenari, and A. Del Bimbo, “A Cross-media Model for Automatic Image Annotation” in Proc. of ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), Glasgow, UK, 2014. (* indicates equal contribution) (Oral, Accept Rate 19%)
- Uricchio, L. Ballan, M. Bertini, and A. Del Bimbo, “Evaluating Temporal Information for Social Image Annotation and Retrieval” in Proc. of International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), Napoli, Italy, 2013. (Poster)
- Ballan, M. Bertini, T. Uricchio, and A. Del Bimbo, “Social Media Annotation” in Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), Veszprem, Hungary, 2013. (Invited)
Last update on 2014-03-21.