Lorenzo Seidenari

Lorenzo Seidenari

Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering

University of Florence


I am an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence. I obtained my PhD degree working at the Media Integration and Communication Center of University of Florence under the supervision of Prof. Alberto Del Bimbo 2012. I was a visiting scholar at Silvio Savarese Laboratory at University of Michigan (now at Stanford) from February 2013 till August 2013. I was a PostDoc at Visual Information and Media Lab at Media Integration and Communication Center of University of Florence untile January 2018.

My research focuses on deep learning applications in computer vision and robotics, with an emphasis on generative AI, model uncertainty, and robustness.

I am member of the UNIMORE ELLIS Unit. ELLIS is a European Network of excellence for Artificial Intelligence with the goal of attracting talented researchers in AI and fostering exchanges between units.

I am also co-founder and Scientific Advisor of Small Pixels a startup working on video processing and compression.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Vision
  • Deep Learning
  • Information Retrieval
  • PhD in Computer Engineering, 2012

    University of Florence

  • MEng in Artificial Intelligence, 2008

    University of Florence




improving WILDlife camera trapping data processing and analytics through Artificial Intelligence



Network of excellence of researchers across Europe.



Deep Learning for Multiple Trajectory Prediction.
