Tracking in Practice: Student Guide
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
This one-week practicum will provide an introduction to the basic principles and (most importantly) the practice of single- and multiple-target tracking in the laboratory. Through a number of exercises you will learn how to apply the theory you have learned in the lectures, what problems and pitfalls lurk in the details of tracker implementation, and how to critically evaluate the performance of your own tracking code.
Moreover, this practicum will give you the opportunity to practice writing critically, coherently and concisely about the work you have done for the practicum exercises. Tracking in practice is hard. Very hard. The important lesson to take away from these two weeks is how to intuit what approaches and techniques are most applicable for a given tracking scenario and why. Learning this will allow you to select the most appropriate technique for a given situation and to reliably predict its performance.
Before we start tracking, however, there are a few preparatory steps to perform.
2 Preliminaries
A basic tracking framework has been created that hides a lot of the (non tracking-specific) details necessary to sort out before beginning to work on real tracking problems. This framework is based on Matlab, and the following installation steps must be performed to set everything up.
2.1 Installing the tracking framework
The tracking framework is you will use for this laboratory hides many of the hairy details behind video decoding and encoding, as well as threading of state through the entire tracking pipeline. It is designed to work under both Linux and Windows. To get the tracking framework, download the zipfile here. Now create a working directory somewhere where you will put all of your work for the practicum. Depending on what operating system you are using, follow these instructions:
You can now test the tracking framework by running:
And to run the basic Kalman filter tracker try this:
kalman_tracker('car-2.avi', 0.05, 50, 3); kalman_tracker('car-1.avi', 0.05, 50, 3);
Pressing any key while the tracker is running will pause the tracker until you press another key. If anything goes wrong with the framework installation, please contact the practicum instructor.
2.2 Sample videos
We have prepared a selection of video sequences for use during the practicum. The videos can be downloaded individually here. You should study these videos carefully, noting the different characteristics of each, the nature of object motion in them and the types of interactions between moving objects. You should also try running the basic tracker provided with the practicum framework on some of these videos.
3 The tracking framework
The basic processing pipeline for object tracking.
The tracking framework provided for the practicum exercises implements a simple version of each processing module in the pipeline shown in figure 1. The tracker provided is a simple Kalman filter-based tracker using a rolling average background model for segmentation, blob detection for detection, the blob position and extent for representation, and of course a Kalman filter to perform tracking.
In this section we will describe each of the processing modules and the implementation provided. First we we describe the toplevel function that strings together all processing modules into a complete tracker.
3.1 The toplevel function
A tracker in the practicum software framework consists of:
- A segmenter that segments foreground objects from the background;
- a recognizer that identifies which foreground objects are being (or should be) tracked;
- a representer that represents each tracked object in terms of some abstract feature space;
- a tracker that actually does the tracking (i.e. estimates the position of each tracked target in the current frame); and
- an optional visualizer that displays a visualization of each frame of the tracker.
A tracker in the framework requires a Matlab function implementing
each of these modules in order to be complete. A tracker (i.e. a
collection of processing modules) is modeled in Matlab as
structure containing references to each module (that is the
Matlab function implementing the module). This structure also
contains all state variables that must be passed down the pipeline
to other modules. The structure T
must contain the following
which must contain a function referenceT.segmenter.segment
to a function taking the structureT
and the current frame.T.recognizer
which must contain a function referenceT.recognizer.recognize
to a function taking the structureT
and the current frame.T.representer
which must contain a function referenceT.representer.represent
to a function taking the structureT
and the current frame.T.tracker
which must contain a function referenceT.tracker.track
to a function taking the structureT
and the current frame.- And optionally
which must contain a function referenceT.visualizer.visualize
to a function taking the structureT
and the current frame.
We will see a complete example at the end of this section, but
once this structure has been created, you can run the tracker on a
video using the run_tracker
run_tracker(fname, T);
where T
is the structure setup previously with references to all
of the tracking modules and fname
is the filename of the video
to run the tracker on. In practice, you will write a wrapper
function around run_tracker
that sets up the processing pipeline
and sets any needed parameters (see the kalman_tracker
at the end of this section).
3.2 The segmenter
The segmenter provided performs simple background subtraction based on a rolling-average background model and temporal differencing. The background model is updated like this:
where is a learning rate parameter that
controls how quickly the background model incorporates new
information and how quickly it forgets older observations. Every
pixel in every frame is classified as either background (0) or
foreground (1) using a simple threshold:
where is a threshold on the difference between a pixel in the
current frame and background model. This threshold controls which
pixels are classified as foreground. Finally, the foreground image is
cleaned a little to close small gaps:
where is the morphological closing operation and
a disk of radius
The Matlab implementation of this segmenter looks like this (file
in the framework directory):
function T = background_subtractor(T, frame) % Do everything in grayscale. frame_grey = double(rgb2gray(frame)); % Check to see if we're initialized if ~isfield(T.segmenter, 'background'); T.segmenter.background = frame_grey end % Pull local state out. gamma = T.segmenter.gamma; tau = T.segmenter.tau; radius = T.segmenter.radius; % Rolling average update. T.segmenter.background = gamma * frame_grey + (1 - gamma) * ... T.segmenter.background; % And threshold to get the foreground. T.segmenter.segmented = abs(T.segmenter.background - frame_grey) > tau; T.segmenter.segmented = imclose(T.segmenter.segmented, strel('disk', radius)); return
This is an example of how all modules within the framework work. Each
module is passed the global structure T
containing all needed
parameters (see how the gamma
, tau
and radius
parameters are
fished out of the sub-structure segmenter
contained in the passed
structure T
?) and the current frame
being processed. The module
then does it's processing and stores the results back in the
substructure (in the T.segmenter.segmented
Please note that each module is responsible for maintaining its own
state parameters and putting them in the structure T
. This is the
only mechanism by which state is passed to other processing modules
and from one frame to the next. Keeping all state variables related
to a module local to a substructure (T.segmenter
in this case) is
good programming practice, and you should do this in all modules that
you implement.
3.3 The recognizer
The next stage in the pipeline is the recognizer. The basic recognizer provided with the tracking framework is based on simple blob detection. Connected components are found in the segmented image, and the whole set of components is retained as the "recognized" object to be tracked.
The Matlab code for this is simply:
function T = find_blob(T, frame) T.recognizer.blobs = bwlabel(T.segmenter.segmented); return
You can see here how the recognizer assumes the segmented image
from the previous stage is passed in the T.segmenter.segmented
variable. This is an example of how state is passed between
processing modules. The recognizer then puts its result in the
variable T.recognizer.blob
for subsequent modules to use.
It is important to note that the framework does not enforce any particular protocol for passing state variables from module to module. You are responsible for establishing how each module receives its parameters and how it stores its results.
3.4 The representer
The next module is the representer, which takes the results of
recognition and computes a representation of each recognized
object to be tracked. In the basic tracker, the representer
extracts the BoundingBox and size of each blob and only keeps the
biggest one as the single object being tracked. The Matlab code
(file filter_blobs.m
in the framework directory):
function T = filter_blobs(T, frame) % Make sure at lease one blob was recognized if sum(sum(T.recognizer.blobs)) % Extract the BoundingBox and Area of all blobs R = regionprops(T.recognizer.blobs, 'BoundingBox', 'Area'); % And only keep the biggest one [I, IX] = max([R.Area]); T.representer.BoundingBox = R(IX(size(IX,2))).BoundingBox; end return
In a more realistic tracker, the representer module would be responsible for maintaining a list of objects being tracked and establishing correspondences between recognized objects and those currently being tracked.
3.5 The tracker
A simple Kalman filter tracker has been provided in the practicum
framework. It uses the results of the representer to track the
position and extent of the object being tracked. The Kalman
filter works by estimating an unobservable state which is updated
in time with a linear state update and additive Gaussian noise.
A measurement is provided at each time step which is assumed to be
a linear function of the state plus Gaussian noise. It is the
most complex module in the framework, and receives and stores a
large amount of state information. Here is the Matlab function
(file kalman_step.m
in the framework directory):
function T = kalman_step(T, frame) % Get the current filter state. K = T.tracker; % Don't do anything unless we're initialized. if isfield(K, 'm_k1k1') && isfield(T.representer, 'BoundingBox') % Get the current measurement out of the representer. z_k = T.representer.BoundingBox'; % Project the state forward m_{k|k-1}. m_kk1 = K.F * K.m_k1k1; % Partial state covariance update. P_kk1 = K.Q + K.F * K.P_k1k1 * K.F'; % Innovation is disparity in actual versus predicted measurement. innovation = z_k - K.H * m_kk1; % The new state covariance. S_k = K.H * P_kk1 * K.H' + K.R; % The Kalman gain. K_k = P_kk1 * K.H' * inv(S_k); % The new state prediction. m_kk = m_kk1 + K_k * innovation; % And the new state covariance. P_kk = P_kk1 - K_k * K.H * P_kk1; % Innovation covariance. K.innovation = 0.2 * sqrt(innovation' * innovation) + (0.8) ... * K.innovation; % And store the current filter state for next iteration. K.m_k1k1 = m_kk; K.P_k1k1 = P_kk; else if isfield(T.representer, 'BoundingBox'); K.m_k1k1 = T.representer.BoundingBox'; K.P_k1k1 = eye(4); end end % Make sure we stuff the filter state back in. T.tracker = K; return
You should study this function carefully to see how the tracker is initialized and how it maintains its state information.
3.6 The visualizer
The final module in the processing pipeline is the visualizer. It
is not mandatory, but it is always a good idea to provide a minimal
visualizer to see how your tracker is performing. The visualizer
provided simply displays the current frame with rectangles
indicating the current detection and current estimate (file
in the framework directory):
function T = visualize_kalman(T, frame) % Display the current frame. imshow(frame); % Draw the current measurement in red. if isfield(T.representer, 'BoundingBox') rectangle('Position', T.representer.BoundingBox, 'EdgeColor', 'r'); end % And the current prediction in green if isfield(T.tracker, 'm_k1k1'); rectangle('Position', T.tracker.m_k1k1, 'EdgeColor', 'g'); end drawnow; return
A more fancy (and useful) visualizer would also display quantitative information about the internal state of the tracker (for example a real time plot of the Kalman innovation term). This is very useful to get a clear picture of what that tracker is actually doing.
3.7 Putting it together
Now that we have a Matlab function implementing all of the pieces
of the processing pipeline, we can string them together using the
function in the framework. For the provided
modules, the function kalman_tracker
does just this:
function T = kalman_tracker(fname, gamma, tau, radius); % Initialize background model parameters Segmenter.gamma = gamma; Segmenter.tau = tau; Segmenter.radius = radius; Segmenter.segment = @background_subtractor; % Recognizer and representer is a simple blob finder. Recognizer.recognize = @find_blob; Representer.represent = @filter_blobs; % The tracker module. Tracker.H = eye(4); % System model Tracker.Q = 0.5 * eye(4); % System noise Tracker.F = eye(4); % Measurement model Tracker.R = 5 * eye(4); % Measurement noise Tracker.innovation = 0; Tracker.track = @kalman_step; % A custom visualizer for the Kalman state. Visualizer.visualize = @visualize_kalman; % Set up the global tracking system. T.segmenter = Segmenter; T.recognizer = Recognizer; T.representer = Representer; T.tracker = Tracker; T.visualizer = Visualizer; % And run the tracker on the video. run_tracker(fname, T); return
This function creates the global tracker structure T
initialized with all of the substructures (segmenter
, representer
, tracker
and visualizer
). Each of
these substructures is initialized with the required function
reference and all parameters required. Finally, the run_tracker
function executes the processing pipeline on the video passed in
as a parameter.
You can run the basic tracker on a video using (for example):
kalman_tracker('car-2.avi', 0.05, 20, 3);
4 Practicum exercises
The practicum exercises are divided into groups corresponding to the four main processing modules discussed above. Each group of exercises is divided into mandatory and optional exercises. Every group should complete all mandatory exercises (and discuss them in your report), and at most two (2) optional exercises, selected from two different processing modules. That is, you must pick your two optional exercises from different processing groups (at most one optional exercise from each group). To receive the maximum credit for the practicum you must complete two of the optional exercises in addition to the mandatory ones. You are free to do more than two optional exercises, but you will receive a maximum of forty (40) points for the set of optional exercises you submit. Note that your selection of an optional exercise from one group might strongly influence the selection of other optional exercises.
We suggest you pick a "trajectory" of optional exercises so that you end with an interesting final tracking system. For example:
- Multiple target tracking: Implement optional segmentation exercise 2, optional representation exercise 1 and one of the optional tracker exercises. The final tracker will be a robust, multiple-target tracker that works independently of background subtraction.
- Robust model-based target tracking: Implement one of the optional background subtractors, optional detector exercise 2, and optional representation exercise 1. The result should be an object-specific, very robust multiple target tracker.
- Invent your own trajectory: See the "Wildcard" option at the end. If you have a cool idea that falls outside the list of optional exercises, feel free to propose it to the practicum instructors. We like cool ideas.
4.1 Segmentation
Segmentation (in the context of tracking) is the process of separating the foreground objects from the background of the video sequence. When working on these exercises, always keep in mind what the purpose of the segmenter is in terms of the overall tracking problem.
4.1.1 Mandatory exercises
- Experiment with the behavior of the provided, rolling-average
background subtraction segmenter provided with the
framework. Adjust the
parameters and describe qualitatively how they affect performance of the tracker as a whole. - How do you predict the running average background model, as implemented in the basic framework, would perform in the presence of changes in illumination? How could you improve its robustness to illumination change?
- Modify the provided segmenter to implement selectivity in background model updates. See this presentation, slide 11 for a description of how this works. Describe how this model performs with respect to the original. Also indicate what problems still exist.
4.1.2 Optional exercises (select at most one)
- Implement the mixture of Gaussians background modeler as a segmenter in the tracking framework. Critically analyze its performance with respect to the others you have experimented with. See this presentation, slides 14 and 15 for an introduction to the approach.
- Implement the eigenbackground technique for background modeling and subtraction. Critically analyze its performance with respect to the others you have experimented with. Again, this presentation, slides 23 and 24 give a brief description of the approach.
4.2 Detection
Detection is the process of identifying which of the segmented foreground objects are of interest to the tracking.
4.2.1 Mandatory exercises
- How does the basic tracker provided with the framework behave in the presence of noisy detections? When there is no detection? Adjust the background modeler to illustrate the effects of both.
4.2.2 Optional exercises (select at most one)
- Implement a detector (or adapt an already existing one) to provide detector-based measurements to your tracker. For example, you could implement a face detector that provides accurate measurements for robust face tracking. For this exercise (and only this one!) you can adapt existing detectors you find on the internet. Be sure to cite any third-party components you use.
4.3 Representation
Once an object has been segmented and detected, it and its kinetic properties must be represented in some way. These exercises are designed to illustrate how the choice of representation is key for tracking of visual phenomena.
4.3.1 Mandatory exercises
- Modify the representer to use not just the position, extent and velocity of the tracked object, but also a local histogram of the area where the detection was made. What type of histogram might you want to use for object representation, and why? How could this enriched representation be exploited by a tracker?
- Implement a representer that, instead of arbitrarily selecting the largest blob detected in the image, selects the blob closest to the previous detection. Describe how this affects the performance of the tracker. How is the initialization of the tracker affected by this? What happens if the initial detection is a false one?
4.3.2 Optional exercises (select at most one)
- Implement a system for multiple target representation and tracking by solving the data correspondence problem between object representations. The representer should maintain a list of target representations being tracked, and the tracker module should maintain a list of trackers that are executed on the resulting representations. When a new object representation appears, a new tracker should be initialized for that object. The representer should make use of all information available to resolve the data association problem: the object position and extent, the object histogram, and the object position predicted by the tracker.
4.4 Tracking
And finally, tracker. The reason we're all here…
4.4.1 Mandatory exercises
- Adjust the system and measurement noises in the provided
Kalman filter-based tracker (the
matrices inkalman_tracker.m
). How do these parameters affect the performance of the tracker as a whole? Describe qualitatively how increasing and decreasing each noise variable affects the tracker, and most importantly explain why they affect the tracker in the way they do. - The supplied Kalman filter tracker estimates the position and
extent of the target (i.e. the BoundingBox). Modify the
tracker so that it also tracks the velocity of the tracker
in both the
directions. Note that you will also have to modify your representation to provide measurements of these new state variables, and also the system update function in the Kalman filter (it will no longer be the identity matrix). Describe how the performance of the tracker changes with this new modification.
4.4.2 Optional exercises (select at most one)
- Implement the mean-shift tracker of Comaniciu and Meer. You should think through very carefully what this will require in terms of the representer you will have to use.
- Implement a particle filter tracker based on the local histogram of the tracked target. A particle should consist of the target position and velocity. The measurements will consist of the local histogram at the predicted target position. Use the Bhattacharyya histogram distance to compute the posterior likelihood of the observation. This paper provides a very approachable description of particle filter used for histogram tracking.
4.5 Wildcard
If you have an idea for an exercise that you would like to complete in lieu of one of the mandatory ones, please speak with the practicum instructor to make you proposal. Particularly approciated would be proposals for improving the tracking framework (for example, matlab classes instead of structures).
5 Practical information
5.1 Groups
The practicum exercises will be done in groups of two (2) or three (3) people. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Groups should be formed by November 28th, and one (1) representative from each group should email with your group members. Please use the prefix "DBMM Tracking:" in the subject of your email.
5.2 Final report
Each group will prepare a final report of at most fifteen (15) pages. This report should contain a qualitative and quantitative critical analysis of the work each group has done on the practicum exercises. It should contain the following sections:
- Introduction - which introduces the report with an overview of the work done, a brief description of the problems chosen, and insights gained through the exercise.
- Segmentation - containing a detailed account of the mandatory and optional exercises done on the subject of segmentation.
- Detection - containing a detailed account of what you did (and learned) regarding the detection problem.
- Representation - containing a detailed account of how the representation problem was approached.
- Tracking - containing a detailed account of what you did for the tracking module exercises.
- Conclusions - a concluding section that discusses the overall tracking system as explored and implemented by the group through the exercises.
In each of the main sections (2-5) you should discuss both the mandatory and optional practicum exercises that you completed. You should discuss the theoretical properties you expected from your implementation, and also the technical details of problems encountered during implementation. Where possible, you should draw links between these sections. For example, if you implemented a representation specifically because of the type of tracker you used, this dependence should be made clear in your report. Section 6 should contain the most important conclusions about your experience with all individual modules as well as overall conclusions about the behavior and performance of the overall tracking system developed.
Technical writing is a difficult skill to master. Some very experienced writers claim that it can never be mastered, but only practiced. You should include graphics and figures where appropriate, source code if necessary to illustrate a point, and above all strive to express your ideas and observations clearly and concisely. Most importantly, you should be careful to qualify the performance of your trackers by stating the assumptions made about what situations it should be applied. Don't be afraid to include negative examples where you tracker fails if it serves to illustrate a point. This is an excellent opportunity to practice and improve your writing abilities.
Please note: all final reports should be accompanied with a zipfile containing all source code for all implemented exercises. This source code should be clearly documented, and should also contain instructions for running developed trackers on standard sequences. The quality of your source code will be a factor in determining your final grade.
VERY IMPORTANT: We encourage collaboration and learning from examples available on the internet. But all source code submitted for the practicum must be the sole work of the practicum group submitting it. Studying the implementation of someone else is always a good idea, but you must synthesize the ideas into your own implementation. If you must include code from someone else, make sure you include the correct attribution of ownership in the source code and in your report. Code copied and pasted from the internet or from other students without attribution is plagiarism and your grade will suffer.
5.3 Evaluation
The final grade for the tracking lab will be determined on a scale from 0 to 100. The grade will be computed on the basis of:
Participation | 10% |
Source code quality | 10% |
Final report | 20% |
Mandatory exercises | 30% |
Optional exercises | 30% |
The exercises, mandatory and optional, must be discussed in your report and all related source code submitted with the final report.
Remember: you must complete all mandatory exercises and two (2) optional ones (from two different categories) in order to receive full credit for the tracking lab.
5.4 Important dates
The following lectures, discussion sessions and presentations have been scheduled:
Date | Topic |
28/11/2011 | Tracking lab day 1 |
02/12/2011 | Tracking lab day 2 |
16/12/2011 | Final reports due |
6 Final words
Tracking of visual phenomena is hard. Very, very hard. And frustrating. You should try not to get discouraged by poor tracking results, but rather concentrate on the specific reasons why your tracker may not be performing well. Is the bad performance predictable from the theoretical properties of the tracker? If so, that's a valuable observation that will serve you well in the future. The goal of this practicum is to have fun and to learn about tracking of visual phenomena in practice. If your tracker is performing miserably, that's to be expected. If you're not having fun and not learning about why your tracker isn't working as expected, then you're doing something wrong.
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